Friday, 5 April 2013

Reflections after the 1st session 1/4/2013

The professor pointed out that all teachers is to follow the steps below to explain mathematical concept to children.

Teaching is to follow 4 basic steps below:-
1. Modelling
2. Scaffolding
3. Providing opportunity for children to do it
4. Explaining

How does children learn Mathematics?
The answer lie sin the learning theory and research on how people learn. 2 important theories (constructivism and sociocultural theory).

Construtivism is the notion that learners are creators of their own learning (Cognitive schemas). This is the work of Jean Piaget. When children created knowledge, they go through a process of assimilation and accommodation.

Socialcultural  is when learners come together and they learn from one another. The learner moves ideas into his own psychological realm, together with peers, he get to learn a range of knowledge, stretching his knowledge beyond what he can learn himself. With social interaction, the learners get to exchange ideas and learn more as a community.

The Professor also stressed on the importance of looking into the theories from Jerome Bruner (CPA approach - Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach)

Different Uses of Numbers
Number is being referred to having the below uses:-
1. Rational number - simply means ratio number.
2.Cardinal number - simply means it is used to count things.
3. Ordinal number - refers to the position / order of something
4. Nominal number - refers to number being used as name / label. (for e.g. Bus no.2,12,33,130, IC number, Handphone number)
5. Measurement number - refers to quantifying a thing. (e.g. teacher to say 1 apple, 2 apples, 3 apples and not simply 1,2,3)

In Early Childhood, it is important that the child masters sorting, one-to-one correspondence and rote-counting. This is the summary for our first session.

Jia You!

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